Living without Fibromyalgia-
                      Continuing Education for Massage Therapists

Courses  and  Services for Massage Therapists

 treating fibromyalgia and chronic pain.

Course 1:   12 Hours CEU
 A twelve hour Continuing Education course for Florida Massage  therapists who are interested in the medical aspect of  massage. This is the first course in a two part program but this  course can be immediately integrated into an existing practice or considered the beginning step for a Fibromyalgia specialty clinic.

Fibromyalgia (FM) has been notoriously unresponsive to allopathic medical treatments.  FM is characterized by chronic widespread pain, multiple tender points, or small areas that are painful at palpation (National Fibromyalgia Association, 1990), abnormal pain processing, sleep disturbances, fatigue, and psychological distress. Defined as a syndrome, rather than a disease, it is a collection of signs, symptoms, and comorbid medical problems that affect people physically, mentally, and emotionally. Comorbid factors might include, but are not limited to, emotional disorders, irritable bowel syndrome, heat and cold intolerance depression, and cognitive dysfunctions, such as “fibrofog” and working memory loss. The accumulation of research has led to inconsistencies, confusion, and ineffectual treatment plans.
With 20 years of research and clinical application we developed a protocol that has shown significant results in studies and practice. Each of the components addresses the physical. mental, and emotional changes associated with FM and other chronic pain syndromes.  For the first time we are offering this program to massage therapists in Florida.  You will learn to:      
  • define and recognize the clinical picture of Fibromyalgia (FM)
  •  define the current research and discuss the pain analyzing systems associated with FM.
  • understand the peripheral influences on CNS pain analyzing system and symptoms of FM.
  • recognize the impact of stress and trauma in the progression of disease.
  • present and discuss the supportive research.
  •  understand some of the tenets of Medical Massage.
  • practice some techniques to  release restrictive patterns
  •  identify and establish a baseline for pain, pain threshold, and restrictive patterns that interfere with daily activity
  •  assess environmental CNS pain triggers and actively address those triggers.
  • use specific Medical Massage strokes associated with the initial treatment of FM
  •  assess the necessary  treatment steps for each individual presenting with FM
  •  confidently massage the clients presenting with FM.

This class presents the research justifying the role of muscle pathology in changing the pain analyzing systems in clients/patients with chronic pain  and  presents an evidence-based, clinically supported treatment protocol  to address these changes. 
We also introduce the European developed modality of Medical Massage.   

Course 2: 12 Hours CEU

 This twelve hour Continuing Education course encompasses many aspects of releasing trauma and restoring movement without pain. It is 90% experiential and  the     second component of the Fibromyalgia protocol. It is designed to follow  the Fibromyalgia treatment course.
Therapists who are interested in specializing in the treatment of FM will find this course invaluable and unique to any other treatment program.

For patients with FM restricted movement patterns limit life choices, sense of safety, and well being. To restructure the sensory-motor changes into a more productive movement pattern, it is necessary to expand and refine attention through slow exact movements. You will learn : 

  •  How the formation of hypertonic muscle pathology results in new muscle patterns which limit range of motion and normal function.
  •  How functional losses in motor control alter the somatotropic maps of the brain cortex  and  new dysfunctional patterns of movement emerge
  • How stress and trauma affect muscle pathology and the acquisition of new motor patterns.
  • The clinical practice and relevance of precise, slow movement
  • Many techniques to release the new restrictive patterns and the stress response


Course 3 :
Post Isometric Relaxation: for reduction /elimination of hypertonic pathology, trigger points, and myogelosis
 3 hours  Continuing Education course:
Post Isometric Relaxation ( PIR) is a researched  muscle energy technique (MET) of Isometric contraction/passive stretching.
PIR is a safe contract-relax technique including client participation.

Indications for use of PIR  include:
                                                                                                                                    You will learn:

Hypertonicity                                                                                                                                                                   How  it works
                           decreased range of motion                                                                                                                                             four precise protocols
                           decrease elasticity, formation of trigger points                                                                                                                    how to use it on yourself
                           formation of myogelosis

                               biomechanical imbalance                                                                                                   
                                                                                                 Transform and expand your existing business
                                                                                                                  Create a new practice to specialize in treating Fibromyalgia and chronic pain syndromes

                                                                                                                    Private instruction :  1-4 Students.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Consulting for developing a practice to specialize in treatments for Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain Syndromes.
                                                                                                  Please contact our office for details